
Children Issues

General Family Law


Providing Attorney Representation in Seattle, WA since 1991

Don’t Stand for Domestic Violence in Seattle

It unfortunately happens all too often on a regular basis across Washington State and the rest of America.

Women (sometimes men) are involved in abusive relationships, be they marriages or cohabitations. When things go from verbal altercations to physical, lives are put in danger. Before the situation ever reaches the boiling point, victims of domestic violence should reach out for help from a Seattle domestic violence lawyer.

He or she can use their years of education and experience in domestic violence situations to find a solution, a solution that will hopefully end the trauma.

For victims of domestic violence in Washington State, many probably never envisioned their situations getting so out of control. In hindsight, though, there were probably a number of indicators that demonstrated each case was going from bad to worse in a hurry. Such warning signs for domestic violence can include:

  • What starts out as yelling and/or talking down to another family member (oftentimes a wife or girlfriend) quickly escalates
  • Perpetrators almost always will say they never meant to hurt their victim, stating things just got out of hand
  • The offender will warn the victim or victims that if they go to the police or courts, something bad will happen to them, other family members, and/or friends
  • If children are involved, they too can become targets of the domestic violence perpetrator
  • Finding help when in such a situation can seem frustrating at times.

    While some people say they believe you and feel for your situation, there is little they can or want to do to help you.

    That is when getting in touch with an experienced domestic violence lawyer in Seattle can make all the difference.

    If you’re in a domestic violence situation at the moment, make that call or visit today to get the help you need.

  • Contact Seattle Divorce Lawyer V. Freitas
